Tuesday 31 March 2009

Changing File Order In Document Library
Hi All,

Lets take an example for Changing File Order In Document Librarywhere ;you may need this kind of tricks to do.
When you add documents in document library it saves document as First entry as last in your document library which means the document that you have added first will also go last FILA( First In last Add). Next document will be before that last document.
So the bottom line is oldest document uploaded or created will be the last document in document library.If you want to order them in some specific order here is the steps to be followed
(A) Make one column in that document library
(B) Name it something like "Sort By"
(C) Give preference number of your document
(D) Modify the default view with sort by column in your specific order ;Datz it.
Now you will always have your documents at your wanted positions. CHEERZ !!!